Chinese astrology romance compatibility chart when it comes to determining
the person that will fit into your love life. These signs are based on
different attributes that are commonly seen among those that were born
around a specific time, and can be used to help you understand whether or
not your love interest is a potential match for you.
There are different ways to quantify the Chinese astrology romance
compatibility chart, including the indirect effects of personality traits
caused by illness, emotional abuse, physical abuse, or distressed
childhoods. There is also the potential for one sign to develop stronger
traits that reflect their sign. The general traits that are reflected in
the chart are generally accurate and more than 60% of those who use the
chart to find mates find that the chart is accurate.
Some signs are a natural adversary and any relationship pertaining to
adversary signs should be entered into gently and with caution. For these
signs, there is still a chance that you and he or she can be compatible,
but only after you have thoroughly tested the waters. In most cases,
adversarial signs do not make great love mates. You can look up on any
Chinese astrological romance compatibility chart whether the sign of the
person you are interested in is more likely to bring your joy or grief.
Signs are named after animals and are based on a formula indicated by a
person's time of birth, place of birth, and most importantly, their year
of birth. When you initially look up your sign you might find that there
are numerous traits that are highly reflective of you, and this insight
can be a valuable tool when learning to find a love partner.
Since signs are based on personality traits rather than gender, most
people can find their love partner through the Chinese astrology romance
compatibility chart.
Those born in the year of 1972 or 1984 would fall under the Chinese
astrological sign of the Rat. The Rat has been deemed most likely to have
a long lasting quality love relationship with the Dragon or the Ox, and
can possibly have a great love relationship with the Snake. Using this
chart as a way to gauge the potential for your new love relationship to
take off in the right direction is the most effective use of such
information. Simply using it as a set standard might not work out so well.
Just because your love interest is an Ox doesn't mean the relationship
will flourish. Just because he or she isn't an Ox or a Dragon doesn't mean
it won't either. It is just a good way to determine likelihood and learn
potential pitfalls.
All signs of the Chinese astrology romance compatibility chart are likely
to be able to offer a great insight into the potential of nearly any
relationship. The Chinese astrology chart can not determine the likelihood
of personal influence. These signs are based on personality, not gender or
other specifics, and can be used to determine the potential for business
relationships, friendships, and parental relationships as well as romantic