วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Surfing, Spanish and Yoga in Gorgeous Costa Rica

Adventure awaits in tropical Costa Rica. It is becoming a popular
destination. The environment is ecologically-sound; the scenery is out of
a postcard. The government is stable; the drinking water is clean and it
is a good place to practice Costa Rica Yoga.

Besides learning Costa Rica Yoga, there are other activities to do and
learn in Montezuma. It is one of the exciting adventure capitals of the
country. It has grown considerably from the small fishing village it
started out as. There are stimulating local excursions in the area
including scuba diving, and horseback riding to brilliant waterfalls. This
is just a few of the activities mentioned.

You can attend a school in Montezuma to teach you Spanish, do some fire
dancing, (known locally as poi), learn surfing, and yes, even practice
Costa Rica Yoga. What better location than Costa Rica to do such a
relaxing activity. There are no traffic noises, no deadlines to meet. Just
relax in this beautiful environment and do the Costa Rica Yoga.

Tour operators are available to take you on those wild excursions out of
Montezuma. The beach is located directly across the street and it only
takes minutes to walk to it. The Montezuma River is on the other side of
the hotel. An enjoyable site to start your day, are monkeys swinging from
trees, and the many colorful birds native to this area. You will want to
begin your Costa Rica Yoga immediately.

By attending this school, college credit is provided. However, you must be
sure your college in the US will accept this credit from this school.

The Costa Rica Yoga experience happens in a covered pavilion that
overlooks the ocean, while listening to the wildlife. This make learning
Spanish and the other classes much less stressful, and much easier to

