called a Bodhisattva, or and "enlightened being." There are many
Bodhisattvas, and the most well known amongst the Buddhists, Taoists, and
the Shintoists is Kannon or Kuan Yin. In fact, she is said to be The
Bodhisattva, and she is also the female form of Avalokitesvara, who in the
male form, is praised and worshipped throughout many parts of Asia as The
Great Protector. His name avalokita-ishvara, means "lord who has seen and
now sees."
The Chinese form is Kuan-tzu-tsai, or the "one who sees the world."
Another meaning is "she/he who hears." Also, in Chinese, Kuan-yin means
"she/he who hears the cries of the world." These Chinese names are
descriptive of a being that hears and responds to the people by saving
them from their suffering.
Kuan Yin is a human figure who had such intense dedication to helping
others that she became the Greatest of the Protectors. The central figure
in Tibetan Buddhism; The Dalai Lama, is said to be a living incarnation of
Avalokitesvara, an expression of infinite compassion towards others. The
Dalai Lama possesses enormous insight into human suffering.
The Lotus Scripture, also called the Saddarmapundarika Sutra, and The Pure
Land Scripture, also called the Sukhavativyuha Sutra, both tell of The
Bodhisattva's powers to save lives and to deliver people from any type of
calamity, if they simply call upon her name! She can save them from evil
people, wild beasts, monsters, illnesses, fires, floods, natural
disasters; anything actually!
The entire 25th chapter of the Lotus Scripture is devoted to Kuan Yin; and
it states that her name is Avalokitesvara (same as the male counterpart),
as well as Kannon, and of course; Kuan Yin. The text describes that she
can save a person from any type of trouble or calamity. She can appear in
any of at least 33 different forms as well!
There have been numerous books written about Kuan Yin and all of the
history, mythology, stories, and rituals concerning the Goddess of
Compassion. My name is Father Time, and I use a divination device, rather
frequently, called the Kuan Yin Oracle, also known as chien tung or the
100 sticks of fate, when I do a reading for people via e-mail. Why not
give it a try? Please visit here to see and to order:
You will absolutely love my insight, and especially the words of spiritual
advice from Kuan Yin trough the chien tung. We can discuss your love life
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fabulous Online SuperStore also has many awesome magical, mystical items
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Come have a look, enjoy an e-mail reading, and until then…Many Blessings!